Golf Psychology Articles

Consistency in Golf and Your Mental Game

Consistency in Golf and Your Mental Game

What is the Solution for Consistent Play on the Golf Course? Playing golf can be exciting and challenging on some days and maddening and frustrating the next day. One round, you’re nailing every shot and feeling on top of the world; the next, it feels like you’ve never played the game. From day to day, your ability remains the same. … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golf Mind Hacks: Stop Focusing on Winning

Golf Mind Hacks: Stop Focusing on Winning

Does Thinking Really Interfere with your Golf Performance If you are not supposed to think about technique or winning while competing, what should you think about? Is it even possible to shut down your thinking? The issue is not thinking per se. The problem is what and when you are engaged in conscious thought. For instance, before you swing the … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golf Psychology Tips to Close Out Rounds

Golf Psychology Tips to Close Out Rounds

Do You Have Certain Points Where You Always Fall Apart? Many golfers have trouble closing out rounds. They allow the pressure to get to them and implode during the last holes. When you’ve had a rough finish, it can impact your confidence going into the next round, similar situations, or following tournaments. Let’s set the scene. You are breezing through … Golf Psychology Article>>

Keep it Simple in Golf for Lower Scores

Keep it Simple in Golf for Lower Scores

Are You an Overthinker on the Golf Course? Do you play out every scenario in your head before striking the ball? Some golfers take in too many bits of information during competitive rounds. Their brains become overloaded thinking about weather, course conditions, mechanics, and execution information. All of these bits of information battle for a golfer’s attention. Instead of immersing … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Stay Calm or Composed with Inconsistent Golf

How to Stay Calm or Composed with Inconsistent Golf

Do You Stay Calm When Playing Inconsistently Do you become easily frustrated when you have an up-and-down day during a round of golf? Can you relate to the following scenario? You started off a competitive round with two birdies, and your confidence was soaring. You felt the momentum was on your side, and you would have a great day. Then, … Golf Psychology Article>>

Stop Letting Frustration Hurt Golf Performance

Stop Letting Frustration Hurt Golf Performance

Frustration is Getting in the Way of Your Game How can you rid yourself of frustration in your golf game and regain positive momentum? Many emotions can fuel performance. However, frustration is not one of them. Frustration is an energy-zapper and provides zero benefit to performance.  Feeling frustrated and mentally drained will affect your confidence and focus, preventing you from … Golf Psychology Article>>