Golf Psychology Articles

Your Mental Game in Difficult Course Conditions

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course

How to Turn Difficult into a Challenge What increases your anxiety level during a round of golf? Does it happen when you perceive a course to be difficult? Golfers attribute many factors to increased anxiety: bad weather, slow greens, deep bunkers, tree-lined fairways and daunting water hazards to name a few. That anxiety leads to apprehension and fear prior to … Golf Psychology Article>>

Woods’ Mental Discipline Leads to Masters Win

What Drives You in Golf?

How to be a Disciplined Thinker Golf is a mental game, a mental battle. Your thoughts can be bigger obstacles than the course itself, which is why it’s so important to implement positive thinking. So many thoughts can mentally interfere with your play, “I have never won a tournament,” “I can’t sink a putt today,” “I’m too far behind to … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Focus in Harsh Conditions

Do You Mentally Prepare for Tough Conditions?

Staying Focused During Poor Conditions Focusing during poor conditions–weather or course–can present a problem for some golfers. From day-to-day, weather conditions can change drastically. One day, the weather can be clear, 80 degrees with hardly any wind. The next day, it can be rainy, windy and cold with poor course conditions. Often, you won’t play on a perfectly groomed course; … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mental Toughness for Golfers

How Golfers Can Build their Confidence 

How to Overcome Negative Thoughts Many athletes wouldn’t associate mental toughness with playing golf. There is a misconception by some that mental toughness is an attribute solely for athletes in contact sports or physically grueling competition. No doubt that there is a large degree of physical toughness needed for contact sports. But in terms of the mental challenges, golf is … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Rebound After a Bad Shot

How Golfers Can Play More Consistently

Composure After a Bad Golf Shot Golf can be frustrating to say the least… One minute, you are having a great round. You just had a string of 10 holes where you played outstanding. The next hole, you double bogey and it’s downwards from there. It’s amazing how a double-bogey on one hole can totally reverse how you are playing… … Golf Psychology Article>>