Golf Psychology Articles

How to Rebound After a Bad Shot

How Golfers Can Play More Consistently

Composure After a Bad Golf Shot Golf can be frustrating to say the least… One minute, you are having a great round. You just had a string of 10 holes where you played outstanding. The next hole, you double bogey and it’s downwards from there. It’s amazing how a double-bogey on one hole can totally reverse how you are playing… … Golf Psychology Article>>

Are You Ever Satisfied With Your Golf Game?

Learning Takes Time

Goal Setting to Boost Golf Performance Are you constantly trying to improve your golf game, but you become impatient or frustrated with results? Most athletes set strict standards for success and you hear it all the time in the sports world, “Never be satisfied with what you have already accomplished,” “What you did yesterday doesn’t matter, it’s what you accomplish … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golfers Who Get Distracted When Going Low

How to Play Winning Golf

How to Stop Judging Your Performance During Rounds Distractions are all around on the golf course. But what about your own internal distractions? Your mind is bombarded throughout a round with distractions, making golf one of the most mentally difficult sports. Let’s talk about one big distraction that is neglected… Thinking about how well you are playing… You may ask, … Golf Psychology Article>>

More Input is Not Always Better in Golf

How to Manage Fear on the Golf Course

Using Feedback to Your Advantage in Golf Have you ever been overwhelmed by advice after a round of golf from teammates, coaches, or playing partners?  The mind can only process a limited amount of information before you are overwhelmed and confused.  Have you ever played a round right after taking a lesson? Was your mind calm or filled with swing … Golf Psychology Article>>

Do You Become Intimidated by Competitors?

Managing Anxiety for Winning Golf

How to Play the Golf Course, Not Playing Partners Have you ever been paired with better golfers who are known for shooting low scores, having a high ranking or achieving impressive accomplishments? Did you feel intimidated to play in that group? Were you fearful that you would embarrass yourself by finishing the round in a double digit deficit? When you … Golf Psychology Article>>

What Are The Yips in Golf?

Golf Mind Podcast

Defining The Yips in Golf Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program and Breaking The Yips Cycle DVD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. Have you ever heard of the … Golf Psychology Article>>