Golf Psychology Articles

How to Think About Practice Rounds in Golf

Golfer Mindset

Strategies For an Effective Practice Round What is the purpose of a practice round? This often trips up many golfers setting themselves up for failure before the competitive round even starts. Many golfers use practice rounds as a predictor of their scores for the tournament. To be more specific, a good practice round is more about your strategy and game … Golf Psychology Article>>

Pressure For Golfers: You Have to Embrace it

How Jason Day Overcame a Winning Drought

How to Turn Pressure Into a Positive The funny thing about pressure is that it can either help or hurt your play on the golf course. Most golfers have trouble believing that pressure can fuel performance and even fewer golfers buy into the fact that pressure is necessary to perform at your peak. Here are the reasons why pressure gets … Golf Psychology Article>>

Rule Over Your Emotions on The Golf Course

How Top Golfers Manage Pre-Round Worry

How to Cope With Negative Emotions In golf, managing emotions is the game within the game. You cannot play your best golf without managing your emotions. Countless golfers have been thrown off their game due to runaway negative emotions. For example, a stupid bogey stirs negative emotions in most golfers… Follow that up with another bogey and intense frustration and … Golf Psychology Article>>

Trusting Swing Changes on The Course

Golf Psychology Video

Why Swing Changes Are Hard to Trust on The Course In “Golf Psychology Sessions with Doc,” Dr. Patrick Cohn answers a question from Karl about taking your practice swing to the course. Visit Sports Psychology for Athletes at and click on contact us to submit your mental game questions for Dr. Cohn to answer in his mental game videocast … Golf Psychology Article>>