Sports Psychology Golf

How to Play Winning Golf Under Pressure 

How to Play Winning Golf Under Pressure 

How Well Do you Perform Under Pressure Many golfers have an interesting, not-so-helpful relationship with pressure. Faulty assumptions about pressure often hamper their game when it matters most. The three most common faulty assumptions about pressure are: When you buy into these faulty assumptions, you will start to freak out at the first sign of pressure, and your game will … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Improve Your Preshot Routine and Improve Putting

Golf Psychology Video

Do you doubt your read when you walk to the other side of the green? Do you focus too much on the putter head? In this video, Dr. Cohn walks you through the make up of a solid putting routine. Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Refocus and Restart During Your Golf Preshot Routine

Golf Psychology Video

Do you ever continue with your shot even though a doubt crept in your mind? In this video, golfers will not only learn when to refocus during their preshot routines, but also when to step off and restart their preshot routines to be fully present and confident over the ball.  Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental … Golf Psychology Article>>

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

Your Mindset is Impacting your Putting The yips is an involuntary muscle jerk or twitch that occurs midway through your swing or stroke. Not only do the putting yips affect your score, but they can also mess with your emotions and dominate your mind. The impact of the putting yips doesn’t just appear when you step onto the greens. When … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Scheffler Manages Pressure to Win

How Scheffler Manages Pressure to Win

Would you describe yourself as a worrier on the golf course? Do you feel that your “worrying” hurts your play during competitive rounds? Worrying can creep in at any time in a competition and lead to playing tight on the course… You may worry about the weather, course conditions, and players in your group the night before a tournament. Worrying … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

How Do You Define Athletic Success? Often, athletes allow other people (with good intentions) to define success for them. For example, your parents may see success as earning a college scholarship, becoming a starter, or competing for a highly competitive team.  Likewise, your coach may see success as you achieving a national cut, having a top ranking, winning tournaments, or … Golf Psychology Article>>