Sports Psychology Golf

Tips to Manage Emotions on the Golf Course

Mental Game of Golf

Change Your Reactions to Bad Shots “How can I control my emotions after a bad shot?” “How can I manage my emotions so my emotions don’t take over and ruin my game?” Those are common questions that many golfers ask on our Mental Game of Golf Survey. Some golfers seem to take on a different persona when they hit a … Golf Psychology Article>>

Best practices for a lean business strategy

Vivamus integer non suscipit taciti etiam at primis tempor sagittis euismod libero facilisi aptent elementum felis blandit cursus gravida sociis erat ante eleifend lectus nullam dapibus netus feugiat curae curabitur. Massa curae fringilla porttitor quam sollicitudin iaculis aptent leo ligula euismod dictumst orci penatibus mauris eros etiam praesent erat volutpat posuere. Metus fringilla nec ullamcorper odio aliquam lacinia conubia mauris … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset of a Mentally Tough Golfer

Sports Psychology Golf

Mental Toughness Training for Golf How would you describe yourself as a golfer? Do you see yourself as a mentally tough golfer? Or do you see yourself as mentally weak? If you are not sure, rate your level of mental toughness on a scale from 1 to 10… Would you rate yourself on the high end of the scale (7 … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Play Great Golf on New Courses

US Open

Learning to Play Consistent Golf Golf is a unique game. No two courses are alike. No two holes are alike. Many times, a golf course itself may not be what it was a few months previously. Think of how those course changes present challenging circumstances for each golfer. Look at some other sports where field dimensions are constant. A football … Golf Psychology Article>>

Using a Neutral Mindset to Improve Success

Good Mindset in Golf

Moving on After Mistakes Are you a golfer who gets down on yourself after a bad shot? Well, you are not alone! Golf is a challenging game and every course has a unique design of bunkers, water hazards, trees, and other features. With all the challenges… slices, duffs, bogeys and other mistakes are evident over the course of 18 holes. … Golf Psychology Article>>

Finishing Strong On the Back Nine

Golf Psychologist Near Me

My Strategy to Finish a Strong Round You can easily become distracted in golf–if you allow yourself to. One of the biggest distractions is thinking about your score while playing. Focusing on your score can cause problems for you especially towards the end of a rounds: In our Golf Mental Game Survey, one golfer requested some insight on improving focus … Golf Psychology Article>>