Sports Psychology Golf

How to Stay Calm Over the Golf Ball

Avoid Comparisons for Golf Confidence

Learn To Keep Distractions at Bay How does your thinking play out in your score on the golf course? Is your thinking holding you back from playing great golf or enjoying the game? Shutting off your brain is not an option on the golf course. You can not just turn a switch off and shut down your thinking. Your thoughts … Golf Psychology Article>>

4 Steps to Gain Trust in Your Golf Strokes

Trust in your Swing

How to Overcome Putting Anxiety Do you become increasingly nervous as you prepare to putt? Are you afraid of hitting bad shots while you address the ball? Chances are that your thoughts are major distractions interfering with your body’s ability to make a confident swing. Thinking too much about strategy, score, mechanics, weather, greens, spectators, previous shots, leaderboard, or results … Golf Psychology Article>>

When Golfers Are ‘Firing on All Cylinders’

Finishing the Round

Embrace the Challenges on the Course What is the difference between ‘smooth sailing’ and ‘firing on all cylinders’? Sometimes golfers use the terms ‘smooth sailing’ and ‘firing on all cylinders’ interchangeably, but there is a big difference. The ‘smooth sailing’ mindset means that conditions are near perfect on the golf course; no wind, low humidity, low to mid 80-degree temperature, … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Expectation Trap For Golfers

Expectations for Golfers

How Expectations Hurt Play When you enter a golf tournament, do you EXPECT to win, place in the Top-10 or shoot your best score? After all, if you are going to win, don’t you need to expect to win? Expectations are a hard thing. If you go into a tournament expecting to lose, you probably will lose. Although the opposite … Golf Psychology Article>>

What Does a Good Preshot Routine Require?

Golf Mind Podcast

Do you hear a lot about needing preshot routines but struggle with what that actually entails? In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, responds to a question from Lisa who had this to say about her game: I hear a lot about using a preshot routine, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Unlock Motivation in Golf

Golf Psychologist Near Me

Learning to Overcome Motivation Challenges Why is it that so many golfers are just not motivated to improve their game, even when they have the time to do so? If practice leads to improvement, why do so many golfers lack the motivation to practice? Motivation is the cornerstone of athletic excellence. Every golfer will, at some point, go through bouts … Golf Psychology Article>>