How to Have a Good Setup Routine in Golf

In this video, you will the mental aspects of the “set up” portion of your preshot routine. Dr. Cohn takes you through the common mistakes golfers make during their set up and how to feel more comfortable and confident before your shot. 

Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports – junior to professional – via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world. Please contact us for more details.

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Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0

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Do you suffer from fragile self-confidence after missed hitting shots or making mistakes, playing with strict or high expectations that undermine confidence, or the inability to play freely and relaxed on the course?

Successful golfers have learned how to perform with ultimate confidence in competition, so we’ve developed The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 Workbook and Audio program to help you do this! 

The Golfer’s Mental Edge 2.0 program includes the top 11 mental training sessions I do with my personal students to help them boost their mental game and improve consistency on the course!

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