Confidence in Golf

Consistency in Golf and Your Mental Game

Consistency in Golf and Your Mental Game

What is the Solution for Consistent Play on the Golf Course? Playing golf can be exciting and challenging on some days and maddening and frustrating the next day. One round, you’re nailing every shot and feeling on top of the world; the next, it feels like you’ve never played the game. From day to day, your ability remains the same. … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golf Psychology Tips to Close Out Rounds

Golf Psychology Tips to Close Out Rounds

Do You Have Certain Points Where You Always Fall Apart? Many golfers have trouble closing out rounds. They allow the pressure to get to them and implode during the last holes. When you’ve had a rough finish, it can impact your confidence going into the next round, similar situations, or following tournaments. Let’s set the scene. You are breezing through … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Psychology of a Good Putting Routine

Golf Mind Podcast

Welcome to the Golf Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Cohn of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and his team of mental performance coaches work with junior to professional golfers to help them reach their goals and play more consistent golf. In the podcast, Dr. Cohn will do a deep dive into preshot routines. In this podcast, you learn: What is a good putting routine? … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golf Psychology Lessons from the Presidents Cup

Golf Psychology Lessons from the Presidents Cup

What is the Difference-Maker Late in a Round of Golf? Sure, talent is important, and so are solid drives, a strong short game, and steady putting. However, how frequently have you seen talented professional golfers fall apart on the back-nine when they dominated early in the round? How many times have you seen golfers who can outdrive the competition but … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Regroup After a Bad Round of Golf

Sports Psychology for Golfers

How to Quickly Let Go of a Bad Tournament Every golfer has “one of those tournaments” where nothing seemed to go right. After a bad tournament, what you think often sets the stage for your next competitive round. Some golfers tend to hold on to memories of past tournaments, reliving each mistake.  As you replay the mental reel of mistakes, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course 

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course

Are you an “over-thinker” on the golf course? Do you constantly second-guess your shot strategy? Are you usually preoccupied with your score throughout a competitive round? Thinking and performing have a complicated relationship in golf. For each shot, you need to consider the circumstances to create an optimal strategy for that shot. However, some golfers have difficulty switching from thought … Golf Psychology Article>>