Confidence in Golf

Helping Young Golfers Cope With Bad Shots

Golf Psychology Video

Having a Consistent and Positive Mindset Do you have a young golfer who tends to check out quickly? In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, Provides tips for parents to help their young golfers not worry about early round bad shots. Having very high expectation is … Golf Psychology Article>>

Why Some Golfers Expect to Play Poorly

Golf Confidence

Have Confidence in Your Strengths Have you played tournaments that you expected to play poorly? Maybe, statistically, you don’t play well on a particular course and you continue to expect the same result? Or you melted down in the same tournament the previous year and you fear the same will happen this year? Your level of play is shaped by … Golf Psychology Article>>

Overcoming Expectations on the Golf Course

long-term success golf

Playing Golf with an Optimistic Mindset Do you set high standards for your performance when you play a round? Do you believe that setting the bar extremely high leads to performing your best? Let’s look at this question in reverse. If your standards are low, will you perform at a high level? Of course not. Low standards will lead to … Golf Psychology Article>>

Improve Your Mindset During Shot-Making

golf commitment to shots

Stop Overthinking and Trust in Your Golf Swing How many times has your indecision and self-doubt interfered with playing good shots? Do you want to improve your mindset shot-making? Please read on… Spending extra time standing over the ball questioning your shot strategy, thinking of last second adjustments and possible outcomes is a surefire method to interfere with accuracy. When … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mental Strategies to Take Practice to the First Tee

Golf Anxiety

Overcome Anxiety on the Golf Course Do you perform better in practice than when you play a round on the course? You are not alone… Many golfers we work with have difficulty competing as well as they perform in practice. Several golfers from our Golf Mental Game Survey have reached out requesting help with playing competitive rounds as well as … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Stay Confident Even After a Bad Round

Confidence in Golf

Avoid the All or Nothing Mindset Exactly how do you define your performance in tournaments? Do you solely evaluate performances by wins and losses? When you lose, do you usually point out everything you did poorly? For many golfers, it all boils down to this… “I played well or I played horribly.” “I won or I lost.” There is no middle … Golf Psychology Article>>