Golf Mental Game

How to Dedicate Yourself to the Game of Golf 

How to Dedicate Yourself to the Game of Golf 

What does it take to improve your golf game continually? DEDICATION! You have probably heard golfers talk about the value of hard work and dedication. What does it mean to be dedicated? Dedication is a driving force that empowers golfers to persist when faced with adversity, challenge themselves daily, work towards their goals, and continually strive for excellence. When you … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Maintain Positive Momentum When You Are Golfing

How to Maintain Positive Momentum When You Are Golfing

How Does Momentum Affect Performance? First, let’s define momentum as it pertains to golf. “Momentum” in golf is being on a roll. It’s a sense of rhythm where the game is flowing naturally. When you experience positive momentum, you are making good decisions and seamlessly executing your plan for each shot. What are the characteristics of positive momentum? * Immersed … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Manage Pressure in Your Golf Game 

Golf Mental Toughness

What is Competitive Pressure in Golf? The term ‘pressure‘ has been defined as “any factor or combination of factors that increases the importance of performing well on a particular occasion” (Baumeister 1984). The concept of pressure is complex. Athletes recognize when they “feel” pressure because their heart is pounding, they are breathing faster, their stomach is upset, and their muscles … Golf Psychology Article>>

What is a Positive Attitude in Golf?

What is a Positive Attitude in Golf?

How Can You Shut Down the Negativity? Many golfers point to negativity as their biggest obstacle on the golf course. It is impossible to achieve your potential when you are mentally immersed in negativity. In our Golf Mental Game Survey, a golfer who has been frustrated with their lack of results asked the following question: “How do I overcome negativity … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Manage Fear on the Golf Course

How to Manage Fear on the Golf Course

What Are Your Fears When Golfing? Do you fear that you will: Have you been able to deal with those fears and perform at a high level, or have those fears dictated your level of play? Performance fears create anxiety. When those fears are not adequately managed, doubt and distraction arise. Think of a time when your anxiety was high. … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

How Do You Define Athletic Success? Often, athletes allow other people (with good intentions) to define success for them. For example, your parents may see success as earning a college scholarship, becoming a starter, or competing for a highly competitive team.  Likewise, your coach may see success as you achieving a national cut, having a top ranking, winning tournaments, or … Golf Psychology Article>>