Golf Mental Game

How to Manage Fear on the Golf Course

How to Manage Fear on the Golf Course

What Are Your Fears When Golfing? Do you fear that you will: Have you been able to deal with those fears and perform at a high level, or have those fears dictated your level of play? Performance fears create anxiety. When those fears are not adequately managed, doubt and distraction arise. Think of a time when your anxiety was high. … Golf Psychology Article>>

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

The Mindset of Charging From Behind

How Do You Define Athletic Success? Often, athletes allow other people (with good intentions) to define success for them. For example, your parents may see success as earning a college scholarship, becoming a starter, or competing for a highly competitive team.  Likewise, your coach may see success as you achieving a national cut, having a top ranking, winning tournaments, or … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset and Performance Ruts in Golf

Mindset and Performance Ruts in Golf

How Do You React When Your Game is Bad? How you choose to respond will shape how you perform in future rounds. Thinking about how awful you are playing, not being able to sink a putt, hitting your tee shots out of bounds, bogeys, double-bogeys, and triple-bogeys will take your game from bad to worse. Here’s why. When you focus … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset When Competing Against Top Golfers

Mindset When Competing Against Top Golfers

How Do You Fare Against Top Competition? Your level of play and how you evaluate your game depends on your mindset before the round even starts. If you see yourself as “not belonging” at that level, you will compare yourself to other golfers while playing. Your emotions will fall and rise depending on the result of each shot and how … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

Golf Psychology and The Putting Yips Are the yips caused by physical or mental factors? What causes a golfer to get trapped in the yips rut? Ask golfers about how the yips “magically” appear, and you will get a broad range of answers: nagging injuries, inconsistent practice, too much focus on mechanics, not enough focus on mechanics, lack of concentration, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Golfers Can Improve Learning

Golf Psychology Video

Are You Struggling to Learn Golf as an Adult? Do you have old motor habits from other sports that hurt your ability to learn golf? In this video, you learn about the process of learning and how many repetitions it takes to develop a habit.  Learn how manage your expectations with learning a new sport: Related Golf Psychology Articles Golfer’s … Golf Psychology Article>>