Golf Mental Game

Striving for Small Goals Leads to Improvement

Focus on Small Goals

The 5 Stages of Improvement What does the process of improvement entail? Growth in golf is a matter of focusing on the journey. When you understand the stages of improvement, you can steadily improve your golf game. Improvement runs through a cyclical process. When you stay within the loop, you achieve incremental improvement. 1. Celebrate successes – Celebrating success may … Golf Psychology Article>>

Experience is a 15th Club Says Ko

Golf Experience

What Does it Mean to be an Experienced Golfer? The previous question is an interesting one.  Does experienced mean longevity? Most people consider an experienced golfer to be someone who has played the game for a long time. Playing for several years is a part of gaining experience. However, the sports definition of experienced is having knowledge or skill in … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Change Your Reaction to a Bad Shot

How to Overcome Bad Shots

Control Your Emotions Throughout Your Game How do you grade yourself on the ability to manage your emotions during a round of golf? You may grade yourself pretty high, but would your grade remain the same after driving your ball into a sand trap? Managing your emotions is a crucial mental skill for all golfers. Even on your best day, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Recover from a Bad Hole

How to Recover After a Bad Hole

Has Golf Frustrated You to Never Wanting to Play Again? Golf is a crazy game, unlike any other sport. No two shots are ever the same. In football, the field dimensions are consistent from stadium to stadium. In golf, the distance for each hole differs depending on the course. In baseball, the field is flat. In golf, courses are designed … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Make Adjustments when Golfing

Finishing the Round

Minor Adjustments to Make Major Improvements When your putting is just a little off, do you tend to overthink, or do you make a quick minor adjustment and then refocus? A slight adjustment can go a long way. However, too many adjustments–leading to over thinking–can go the wrong way. A minor adjustment requires a quick assessment and a decisive course … Golf Psychology Article>>