Golf Mindset

When Golfers Are ‘Firing on All Cylinders’

Finishing the Round

Embrace the Challenges on the Course What is the difference between ‘smooth sailing’ and ‘firing on all cylinders’? Sometimes golfers use the terms ‘smooth sailing’ and ‘firing on all cylinders’ interchangeably, but there is a big difference. The ‘smooth sailing’ mindset means that conditions are near perfect on the golf course; no wind, low humidity, low to mid 80-degree temperature, … Golf Psychology Article>>

Beyond the Golfer: Defining Your Identity

Sports Psychology for Golfers

You Are More Than “A Golfer” “I am a golfer.” Do you use this phrase to describe who you are? Many golfers define themselves by what they do and, that is, golf. “A golfer” is what is referred to as your athletic identity, but it often bleeds over into your personal identity as well. Unfortunately, identifying yourself primarily as a … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Think About Practice Rounds in Golf

Golfer Mindset

Strategies For an Effective Practice Round What is the purpose of a practice round? This often trips up many golfers setting themselves up for failure before the competitive round even starts. Many golfers use practice rounds as a predictor of their scores for the tournament. To be more specific, a good practice round is more about your strategy and game … Golf Psychology Article>>