Mental Toughness in Golf

How to Play Winning Golf Under Pressure 

How to Play Winning Golf Under Pressure 

How Well Do you Perform Under Pressure Many golfers have an interesting, not-so-helpful relationship with pressure. Faulty assumptions about pressure often hamper their game when it matters most. The three most common faulty assumptions about pressure are: When you buy into these faulty assumptions, you will start to freak out at the first sign of pressure, and your game will … Golf Psychology Article>>

Stop Letting Frustration Hurt Golf Performance

Stop Letting Frustration Hurt Golf Performance

Frustration is Getting in the Way of Your Game How can you rid yourself of frustration in your golf game and regain positive momentum? Many emotions can fuel performance. However, frustration is not one of them. Frustration is an energy-zapper and provides zero benefit to performance.  Feeling frustrated and mentally drained will affect your confidence and focus, preventing you from … Golf Psychology Article>>

Golf Psychology Lessons from the Presidents Cup

Golf Psychology Lessons from the Presidents Cup

What is the Difference-Maker Late in a Round of Golf? Sure, talent is important, and so are solid drives, a strong short game, and steady putting. However, how frequently have you seen talented professional golfers fall apart on the back-nine when they dominated early in the round? How many times have you seen golfers who can outdrive the competition but … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Horschel Stayed Calm to Win the PGA

How Horschel Stayed Calm to Win the PGA

Do You Play Golf or Do You compete in Golf? Some may say the two mean the same, but let’s look further at the two mindsets. The difference may sound subtle, but it’s significant A competitive mindset is an attitude of fighting until your last shot. It’s grinding when you are several strokes behind the leader. A competitive mindset encompasses … Golf Psychology Article>>

Best Swing Cues for Golfers 

Golf Psychology Video

How Simple are Your Thoughts When Standing Over the Ball? In this video, you will learn the most effective swing thoughts to help you fully trust your swing and maintain stable confidence. Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes and performers improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports – junior to professional – via … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Have a Good Set up During the Preshot Routine

Golf Mind Podcast

Welcome to the Golf Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. In this video, you learn how to have a focused set up that is part of your preshot routine. Dr. Cohn and his team of mental performance coaches work with junior to professional golfers to help them reach their goals and play more consistent golf. Listen … Golf Psychology Article>>