Mental Toughness in Golf

Tips to Beat Top Golfers

Tips to Beat Top Golfers

Do you still play your best despite your ranking? How is your confidence affected when you are not favored to win or place highly? Ranking matters little when you are on the golf course. You are playing against the golf course, not other golfers’ ranking. Winning a tournament or placing in the Top 10 is earned during the round, not … Golf Psychology Article>>

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

How does the putting yips affect your overall Mindset?

Your Mindset is Impacting your Putting The yips is an involuntary muscle jerk or twitch that occurs midway through your swing or stroke. Not only do the putting yips affect your score, but they can also mess with your emotions and dominate your mind. The impact of the putting yips doesn’t just appear when you step onto the greens. When … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Recover After a Poor Round 

How to Recover After a Poor Round 

Does one horrible round of golf tend to lead to another for you? Why does it seem so difficult to move on from a bad day and mentally recover for your next round?  The reason so many golfers have difficulty moving on from a bad round is something called recency bias. A negative recency bias is when you over-emphasize recent … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Self-Talk Can Improve Golf Performance

How Self-Talk Can Improve Golf Performance

Does one bad shot indicate your play will decline in the round? Sometimes, a golfer’s thinking interferes with positive momentum, and their play slowly declines. Have you ever had the following experience? You are playing a round, and everything seems to be clicking. You are driving the ball well. Your short game is on point, and you are confident on … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset and Improving Consistency in Your Golf Game

Mindset and Improving Consistency in Your Golf Game

What is meant by “having trust” in your golf game? How do you build trust so you can perform consistent, peak golf? When you lack trust in your game, you second-guess every decision. Your mechanics will feel off, and you won’t feel comfortable standing over the ball.  Shots you make in practice feel infinitely more difficult when competing in tournaments. … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mental Skills and Preshot Routines in Golf 

Golf Mind Podcast

Welcome to the Golf Psychology Podcast by Dr. Patrick Coach of Peak Performance Sports. Dr. Cohn and his team of mental performance coaches work with junior to professional golfers to help them reach their goals and play more consistent golf. In the podcast, Dr. Cohn will do a deep dive into preshot routines. In this podcast, you learn: What mental … Golf Psychology Article>>