Mental Toughness in Golf

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course 

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course

Are you an “over-thinker” on the golf course? Do you constantly second-guess your shot strategy? Are you usually preoccupied with your score throughout a competitive round? Thinking and performing have a complicated relationship in golf. For each shot, you need to consider the circumstances to create an optimal strategy for that shot. However, some golfers have difficulty switching from thought … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Optimize Pressure for Peak Golf Performance

How to Optimize Pressure for Peak Golf Performance

How Does Pressure Affect Your Golf Game? Within every competitive round comes some degree of pressure: While pressure is ever present, golfers have varying responses to pressure, which affects how they think, feel, and perform. Pressure is personal. Each golfer interprets their circumstances differently depending on the circumstances. For example, if two golfers face a 3-foot putt for par, one … Golf Psychology Article>>

Managing Anxiety for Winning Golf

Managing Anxiety for Winning Golf

What Happens To You When You Become Anxious? Anxiety affects golfers on three levels: physiologically, mentally, and emotionally. If left unchecked, the cumulative impact of these three elements can cause your performance to fall off the cliff. Anxious golfers report several symptoms, such as pounding heart, tight muscles, inability to concentrate, racing thoughts, and intense emotions. Overall, anxious golfers have … Golf Psychology Article>>

Take Control of Your Golf Confidence

Take Control of Your Golf Confidence

What gives you the most amount of confidence as a golfer? Self-confidence is the most critical mental skill for any athlete. However, many golfers believe confidence is something either you have, or you don’t. They watch elite golfers play “lights out” and assume these golfers are just naturally confident. When you see confidence as a personality trait or in-born characteristic … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Dedicate Yourself to the Game of Golf 

How to Dedicate Yourself to the Game of Golf 

What does it take to improve your golf game continually? DEDICATION! You have probably heard golfers talk about the value of hard work and dedication. What does it mean to be dedicated? Dedication is a driving force that empowers golfers to persist when faced with adversity, challenge themselves daily, work towards their goals, and continually strive for excellence. When you … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Manage Pressure in Your Golf Game 

Golf Mental Toughness

What is Competitive Pressure in Golf? The term ‘pressure‘ has been defined as “any factor or combination of factors that increases the importance of performing well on a particular occasion” (Baumeister 1984). The concept of pressure is complex. Athletes recognize when they “feel” pressure because their heart is pounding, they are breathing faster, their stomach is upset, and their muscles … Golf Psychology Article>>