Mental Training in Golf

How to Maintain Positive Momentum When You Are Golfing

How to Maintain Positive Momentum When You Are Golfing

How Does Momentum Affect Performance? First, let’s define momentum as it pertains to golf. “Momentum” in golf is being on a roll. It’s a sense of rhythm where the game is flowing naturally. When you experience positive momentum, you are making good decisions and seamlessly executing your plan for each shot. What are the characteristics of positive momentum? * Immersed … Golf Psychology Article>>

What Drives You in Golf?

What Drives You in Golf?

What Motivates You as a golfer? Trophies? Ranking? Finding the best sources of motivation fuels peak performance, pursuit of potential, and longevity in the sport. Two general forms of motivation exist in the realm of sports: 1. Intrinsic – Internal sources of motivation such as; exploring your potential, challenging yourself, honing your skill set, enjoying the experience, and pursuing personal … Golf Psychology Article>>

What to do If You Can’t Visualize Your Golf Shot

Golf Mind Podcast

How to Visualize Your Shots In this episode, Dr. Cohn answers a question from a reader about How can I be better, if You Can’t Visualize Your Golf Shot GRANT: I have a very hard time ‘visualizing’; it’s hard for me to see a mental picture or movie of the ball flight or the target like Jack Nicklaus talks about. … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Mentally Rehearse Your Golf Shots

Golf Psychology Video

Not Every Golfer Can Visualize their Golf Shots This means you might not be able to “see” the shot in your mind like the shot tracer you watch on televised golf tournaments. Jack Nicklaus introduced the idea of having a mental movie of the golf shot in your mind. But seeing your golf shot is only one type of mental … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Jason Day Overcame a Winning Drought

How Jason Day Overcame a Winning Drought

Have You Ever Experienced a Long Performance Drought? A long-term decline that caused you to question whether you wanted to continue competing in golf. From our Golf Mental Game Survey, a golfer reached out to us who was in the midst of an extended performance drought.” “I played really well but have slipped back over the past few years. I … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Find the Zone on the Golf Course

How to Find the Zone on the Golf Course

How Many Rounds Have You Played in the Zone? Many golfers have difficulty quieting their “thinking” brain during play. Focusing on your thoughts takes you out of the zone or prevents you from getting into the zone in the first place. Recently, we received a question from a golfer who responded to our Golf Mental Game Survey: “How can I … Golf Psychology Article>>