Mental Training in Golf

Helping Golfers Improve Their Mental Game

Golf Mind Podcast

What Happens in a Mental Training Session With Golfers? In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, responds to a question from Lisa who had this to say about his game: “What do you do in a mental training session with golfers? And what things do you … Golf Psychology Article>>

How So Yeon Ryu Stays on Top in Golf

Golf Top Performance

Consistently Maintain High Performance We often talk bout how to overcome slumps and mental blocks in golf… But how do you stay at the top when you are performing well in the game? Why do many golfers have difficulty staying at the top or maintaining a high ranking? Can you relate to the following scenario? You put in a lot … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Stay in the Present on the Course

golf mistakes

Focus Your Mind After a Bad Shot Do you ever get trapped inside your head during a round of golf? In other words, have you ever become so preoccupied by your thoughts that you couldn’t focus on your game? The most unproductive place to be during a competitive round of golf is stuck in your mind ruminating or obsessing about … Golf Psychology Article>>

Mindset of a Mentally Tough Golfer

Sports Psychology Golf

Mental Toughness Training for Golf How would you describe yourself as a golfer? Do you see yourself as a mentally tough golfer? Or do you see yourself as mentally weak? If you are not sure, rate your level of mental toughness on a scale from 1 to 10… Would you rate yourself on the high end of the scale (7 … Golf Psychology Article>>

One Reason Golfers Avoid Mental Training

Sports Psychology Golf

Why Golfers Need Make Time For Mental Training “I have no time for mental training!” This is the number one reason golfers state for not engaging in mental skills training. Does this sound familiar to you… “My days are busy and chaotic. After a round of golf, I have a lot of other obligations. I know I need to improve my mental … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Does Mental Coaching for Golf Work?

Golf Mind Podcast

Measuring Success Rates in Golf Mental Training Dr. Patrick Cohn, golf psychology expert and author of the “Golfer’s Mental Edge” CD program and Breaking The Yips Cycle DVD program, teaches amateur to tour professional golfers how to improve their mental game of golf using golf psychology strategies developed over the last 20 years of his career. Have you ever considered … Golf Psychology Article>>