Mindset in Golf

Have You Played Golf ‘In the Zone’?

Have You Played Golf ‘In the Zone’?

What does being “in the zone” mean in golf? All golfers know what it is like to play a round when everything seems to go wrong, but is there a way to play where most things tend to go right? First, let’s establish what being in the zone does NOT mean. Being in the zone does not mean playing perfect … Golf Psychology Article>>

How Dustin Johnson Reignited his Passion for Golf

Playing Golf With a Lead

Playing Golf and Competing are Different. Do you enjoy being a competitive golfer? You may think, “That’s a dumb question. I’ve been golfing since I was young. Of course, I like to golf.” Playing golf is usually less pressure. You may try to beat someone in your group, but the stakes are not as high. When there is less pressure, … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course 

How to Overcome Overthinking on the Golf Course

Are you an “over-thinker” on the golf course? Do you constantly second-guess your shot strategy? Are you usually preoccupied with your score throughout a competitive round? Thinking and performing have a complicated relationship in golf. For each shot, you need to consider the circumstances to create an optimal strategy for that shot. However, some golfers have difficulty switching from thought … Golf Psychology Article>>

What is a Positive Attitude in Golf?

What is a Positive Attitude in Golf?

How Can You Shut Down the Negativity? Many golfers point to negativity as their biggest obstacle on the golf course. It is impossible to achieve your potential when you are mentally immersed in negativity. In our Golf Mental Game Survey, a golfer who has been frustrated with their lack of results asked the following question: “How do I overcome negativity … Golf Psychology Article>>

Go-For-Broke Mentality in Golfers 

Go-For-Broke Mentality in Golfers

What Goes Through Your Mind When You Start a Round? For example, you double-bogey the first two holes, then bogey the third. You quickly find yourself 4-strokes from the leader before the fifth hole. You will most likely feel frustrated, especially if you missed an easy putt or misjudged a shot. Let’s further the scenario. The golfers atop the leaderboard … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

How to Beat the Yips and Putting Anxiety

Golf Psychology and The Putting Yips Are the yips caused by physical or mental factors? What causes a golfer to get trapped in the yips rut? Ask golfers about how the yips “magically” appear, and you will get a broad range of answers: nagging injuries, inconsistent practice, too much focus on mechanics, not enough focus on mechanics, lack of concentration, … Golf Psychology Article>>