Overthinking in Golf

Golfers Who Feel Pressure to Win

Golf Pressure to Win

Dealing with Pressure on the Golf Course Have you ever played in a do-or-die round of golf? For example, you had to shoot a low score in a round to stay in contention or hold off the competition to win a tournament. For whatever reason, you felt this one round was so vital that you had to be careful not to … Golf Psychology Article>>

Overcoming High Expectation for Golfers

Golf Psychology Video

Maintaining Stable Confidence During Play Do you ever wonder how golfers stay positive even if things are not what they are expecting them to be? In this week’s golf psychology session, mental game of golf expert and author of The Mental Game of Golf, Dr. Cohn, talks about how to have a positive outlook and continue in having that said … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Play More Intuitive Golf

Intuitive Golf

Avoid Overthinking Your Swing What is the biggest challenge you face on the golf course? Golf is considered one of the most technically challenging sports. Golfers have many variables to take into consideration for each shot: club choice, weather conditions, distance from the hole, course conditions, etc. Each shot requires sound mechanics but overthinking your swing can lead to technical … Golf Psychology Article>>

Improve Your Mindset During Shot-Making

golf commitment to shots

Stop Overthinking and Trust in Your Golf Swing How many times has your indecision and self-doubt interfered with playing good shots? Do you want to improve your mindset shot-making? Please read on… Spending extra time standing over the ball questioning your shot strategy, thinking of last second adjustments and possible outcomes is a surefire method to interfere with accuracy. When … Golf Psychology Article>>

How to Stay Calm Over the Golf Ball

Avoid Comparisons for Golf Confidence

Learn To Keep Distractions at Bay How does your thinking play out in your score on the golf course? Is your thinking holding you back from playing great golf or enjoying the game? Shutting off your brain is not an option on the golf course. You can not just turn a switch off and shut down your thinking. Your thoughts … Golf Psychology Article>>

4 Steps to Gain Trust in Your Golf Strokes

Trust in your Swing

How to Overcome Putting Anxiety Do you become increasingly nervous as you prepare to putt? Are you afraid of hitting bad shots while you address the ball? Chances are that your thoughts are major distractions interfering with your body’s ability to make a confident swing. Thinking too much about strategy, score, mechanics, weather, greens, spectators, previous shots, leaderboard, or results … Golf Psychology Article>>